2 research outputs found

    Developing Targeted Interventions to Advance Maternal Health in a Geographic Medicaid Accountable Care Organization: Lessons From the Implementation of Camden Delivers

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    Through the design and launch of Camden Delivers the Coalition developed targeted interventions within an ACO infrastructure to advance maternal health in a Medicaid-covered population. Key insights from this process include the need to:* Utilize data to understand community need and design interventions around that need* Establish a population health surveillance system to produce actionable data to intervene with a complex population* Institute a tiered intervention system targeted to identified need, and* Leverage and coordinate across existing resources in the community to reduce duplication.Going forward, with the infrastructure developed by the Coalition to collect and review health data, along with the intricate web of community partners and resources, the next step in this program is to enhance feedback loops between partners and to help navigate patients seamlessly between partners during the highly fragmented experience of managing a pregnancy and healthcare during the interconception period. A formal network of communication between patients, case workers, care managers, providers and community resources through more sophisticated use of data and convening will allow us to support vulnerable patients in an even more effective manner. The Coalition looks forward to playing this convener role and working across groups to the end of better care management services and improved health for women of maternal age in Camden

    Neuropathogenic role of astrocyte‐derived extracellular vesicles in HIV‐associated neurocognitive disorders

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    Abstract Our previous findings demonstrated that astrocytic HIF‐1α plays a major role in HIV‐1 Tat‐mediated amyloidosis which can lead to Alzheimer's‐like pathology‐a comorbidity of HIV‐Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND). These amyloids can be shuttled in extracellular vesicles, and we sought to assess whether HIV‐1 Tat stimulated astrocyte‐derived EVs (ADEVs) containing the toxic amyloids could result in neuronal injury in vitro and in vivo. We thus hypothesized that blocking HIF‐1α could likely mitigate HIV‐1 Tat‐ADEV‐mediated neuronal injury. Rat hippocampal neurons when exposed to HIV‐1 Tat‐ADEVs carrying the toxic amyloids exhibited amyloid accumulation and synaptodendritic injury, leading to functional loss as evidenced by alterations in miniature excitatory post synaptic currents. The silencing of astrocytic HIF‐1α not only reduced the biogenesis of ADEVs, as well as amyloid cargos, but also ameliorated neuronal synaptodegeneration. Next, we determined the effect of HIV‐1 Tat‐ADEVs carrying amyloids in the hippocampus of naive mice brains. Naive mice receiving the HIV‐1 Tat‐ADEVs, exhibited behavioural changes, and Alzheimer's ’s‐like pathology accompanied by synaptodegeneration. This impairment(s) was not observed in mice injected with HIF‐1α silenced ADEVs. This is the first report demonstrating the role of amyloid‐carrying ADEVs in mediating synaptodegeneration leading to behavioural changes associated with HAND and highlights the protective role of HIF‐1α